Listen along with the Again With This podcast on "The Dreams Of Dylan McKay" and join the battle for his soul!
This is Dylan in a coma. The rapid eye movement: ugh, but fine. The tooth-grinding: all the way over the top.
Here's a particularly eye-whitey version for you to take to your local make-your-own-T-shirt store.
This is just a moment from Dylan's coma dream, but we're betting Mrs. Teasley wished she was packing a syringe full of Thorazine when the gang was still at West Beverly High.
Oh no, now diabolical con artists Suzanne and Kevin are posing as doctors!!! (JK, they're in Dylan's dream too.)
Intrepid as always, Erica kneels helplessly on train tracks whining for Dylan instead of just getting up and stepping off the tracks. NOT BRIGHT, THIS ONE.
And here's the hobo begging Dylan for cash -- who, we failed to note on the podcast, is played by Robert David Hall, best known as a criminalist on C.S.I. but, well before that, a teacher at West Beverly!
No one can say Jon Gries doesn't know how to frame himself in a shot.
If you make a touchdown without braying about it, did you really make a touchdown?
Rush shows up at the game, bringing his lessons learned from the '64 tournament, his pastel dad sweatshirt, and just the tiniest tuft of back hair.
Believe it or not, Kelly found a whole new way to make her hair look horrendous.
Flawless "thank god I have lunch to distract me from this awkward moment" take from Carol Potter.
And on the opposite end of the "flaw" spectrum: this face Jason Priestley just cannot stop making.
Remember that take two images ago? CAROL POTTER DESERVES BETTER THAN THIS.
Jim Walsh doesn't deserve better than this sweater, though; seems about right.
Dylan's subconscious can't be bothered to fill in all the set decorations.
In what universe would Kelly Taylor wear a Davids Bridal number like this?! Has Dylan's subconscious ever met her?
Way to give yourself a cameo, episode director Scott Paulin a.k.a. Professor Cory Randall!
If only Brandon really could blink away this easily.
The couple that cat butt mouths together stays together?
Val deserves a rock this big if not bigger. Twinkle on, queen!
Jon Gries, still making his own fun.
Jennie Garth, doing exactly the opposite.
...perhaps because she knows she's just a couple of minutes away from showing up on screen in the dowdiest number from the Andrea Zuckerman Maternity Negligée Collection, and she's already mad.
We really hope Jon Gries looks back fondly on this role, because he is just about the best thing in every episode he's in.
If every second on the screen is making you this unhappy, Brandon, YOU CAN LEAVE.
And you should leave, and shave up the back of your dumb hair.
Look, your cube poo face has infected Steve!
But elaborate inside joke gestures win the day.
The only thing Mrs. Teasley wanted more in the halls of West Beverly than a needle full of drugs!
Grease meets sophomore poetry workshop in the pool hall of Dylan's brain.
Tori, no.
Jon Gries: yes. Pull the cords out of the wall just to make sure.
Peak Dad on the flag football sidelines.
From Just One Of The Guys to Just One Of The Docs.
Can't this kid just die already?
We see you, Ian Ziering. Way to sneak another Cute Steve moment into an episode.
Ghost Dad is happy Dylan lived. The rest of us: eh.