Why don't you read the Again With This podcast's latest report on Selanesia?
Tara has titled this photo "Howdy Derpy," but Sarah likes gingers and thinks Peter's cute in a poor-man's-Seth-Green kind of a way. Discuss!

Seduction and then a question mark?

Typical Ohhhhhndrea, opting for fire safety over the more dramastical (and effective) disposal method of the candle that's right there.

Speaking of dramastical, that zoom isn't going to make us care about the mascot caper, but nice try, Camera 3.

Classic '90s quad styles.

Pretty sure these dumbshits couldn't steal a Gummi bear, much less this one.

Guess who didn't talk them out of giving him the drops at his eye exam?

Points for difficulty on the Spider-Man kiss. And for making us believe those sheets don't flatten her lady boner completely. Solid color, Jones!

You know, just your normal average non-mass-murdery glovebox.

Although based on the lettering on that sign, Donna still could get murdered. Who drew that, Ray's cousin the Zodiac?

Ha...ha? Seriously, though. That is not a knife for pumpkin-carving. That is a knife for VICAP.

TWO buttons undone this time.

The G.O.A.T., it us.

You are actually expected to move your lips, Waltsie.

Free Bruno.

Who, WHO will save this man from his dark memories?

...Right. Shit. Did the episode directors just give up on directing Jason Priestley, like at all? Because he is literally always a cock.

Oppression bros oppress.

Don't ask Brandon about his business, Kaye. (You either, Ben.)

Because you'll get this "I'm almost frightened by how stupid it is of you to question me" face. Slap it. Hard.

Moral bray area.

Brandon's torture-concern eyebrows differ not at all from any of his other eyebrows.

This is what we mean about the direction. "Concerned" and "blandly hateful" should not be the same expression.

The chest hair of ethical quandar...ing.

We've got your tank right here, CHIEF.

Couple things. 1) His pants have no reason to be this massive. 2) His cock cannot be big enough to justify this cockish a cock-walk. 3) The subpoena is sticking up out of his pocket like a cruising hanky. 4) He should kill himself.

Brandon feels rull bad, bro.

Not too bad to bray, though.

You got served! ...Wait, Brandon could neither meet your eye nor bring himself to hand you, a man as tiny in stature as himself and wasted by cancer, a piece of paper. So you...served yourself. Good talk.

Thank you, white savior! Thanks to you, two ladies with a podcast have barfed themselves inside out.